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Drug & Alcohol Counseling

Drug & Alcohol Counseling

Drug & Alcohol Counseling is offered for individuals and their families who are struggling with substance abuse no matter where you are in your addiction. We meet clients where they are in their struggles and collaborate with them to establish goals for therapy. Michael Adams is credentialed as a Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LCADC) which is the highest level of expertise in the field in the state of Kentucky. We have several other clinicians with extensive experience in drug and alcohol counseling. We understand thoroughly the dynamics of drug abuse/addiction including prevention, causes and treatment options and do not employ a "just say no" mentality.

We also offer Casey's Law Evaluations. These are evaluations that can potentially mandate your adult son/daughter to seek treatment under a court order of a judge.

Our experience comes from working as therapists, managers, and supervisors in a drug rehabilitation center. Individual counseling, family education and counseling, referrals for detoxification and long-term residential are offered as well.

To make an appointment for drug and alcohol counseling, contact us today!

Areas of Expertise

For an appointment, please contact us today!

 Most general life issues are welcome. If you do not see a particular area on the list provided, please call us. If we cannot help you with the particular area of interest, we will be more than glad to find someone for you. We maintain professional relationships with other qualified clinicians and can assist with the referral process.
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